A Kundalini Jedi Warrior Workshop 

FEAR : a Path to the Lightside 

4 May 2019


JEDI Warrior Training Workshop

with Jag Kaley

Saturday 4 May, 5:30-8pm

Fear is one of the greatest problems in life. Almost everyone is scared of something. Fears are normal and having them is part of being human. But a mind that is caught in fear lives in confusion, in conflict, and can be violent, distorted, and aggressive. A fearful mind dare not move away from its own patterns of thinking, To quote Yoda, “Fear is a path that leads to the darkside.“ 

This isn't meant to frighten you. It's meant to wake you up and inspire you to embark upon the journey of transformation from fear to freedom.

As a Jedi it’s not so much about curing fear, but allowing the force to flow and letting fear cure you. When you develop the right relationship with fear and uncertainty, fear can be the finger pointing toward everything in need of healing in your life. 

In this Kundalini Jedi Warrior workshop, we’ll use powerful kundalini meditations and kriyas to work with the fear within and transform the dark into confidence, courage, and trust in the light side of the Force.

JOY Yoga Dalston • 27D Dalston Lane • London E8 3DF

Investment: £25

About Jag


Jag Kaley experienced a Kundalini awakening in 2003, which changed his life journey forever. Leaving the life he knew behind to follow the call of his soul. Travelling to North America he discovered Kundalini yoga and completed his Kundalini teacher training in the summer of 2006.

Jag is the owner and founder of the London Kundalini Centre, a Kundalini emergency and spiritual crisis Centre offering guidance and support for people experiencing Kundalini awakenings. He is the creator of the Star Wars Jedi Kundalini warrior-training program helping people connect to the power of the Force within them so they may fulfill their potentials and to help humanity bring in the Age of Aquarius. He is serving as Director for the Great British Kundalini Yoga Festival and Publicity officer for the Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association UK. Currently he is as a Transpersonal Integrative Psychotherapist offering talk therapies at Mercurial Therapy working towards accreditation. Jag provides personalized one to one yoga programs, Kundalini yoga workshops, transpersonal psychotherapy and spiritual counseling, offering support and guidance for those on a spiritual journey.