Sat Nam Rasayan
“When you grow into Sat Nam Rasayan, every experience in your life will appear like an infinite possibility. That is the characteristic of the neutral mind. ”
“When you become calm and still, the universe starts moving for you.”
Sat Nam Rasayan® is an ancient healing art from Kundalini Yoga that works in the meditative space. Ostensibly, the healer does nothing. Using her meditative mind, the healer comes into stillness, a state of profound silence called shuniya. In this neutral state of shuniya, with the distracting fluctuations of the mind suspended, the healer can become aware of and release resistances that cause emotional or physical dis-ease in the patient.
The study of Sat Nam Rasayan® includes the cultivation of shuniya through the practice of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. As well, student practitioners have practical experiences of healing, working on fellow students and patients under the direction of a teacher who helps to hold open the healing space.
Through the practice of Sat Nam Rasayan®, students develop the meditative mind, increase sensitivity, achieve greater clarity in their lives, release unhealthy habits, heal themselves, and heal others.
There are no prerequisites to study Sat Nam Rasayan and prior training in Kundalini Yoga is not required. Both level I and level II training are open to everyone. You can jump in at anytime.
Upcoming Training in London with Jiwan Mukta Singh
New Dates Coming Soon
Investment: £108 each day | £200 for the weekend.
Pay in full or pay £28 deposit and the balance in cash on the day.
The training will be held at a private residence, a short walk from Hammersmith station. Additional details will be sent after you register.
For those interested in pursuing Level I certification, you must attend a minimum of 12 days of training in London with Jiwan Mukta Singh or another qualified teacher of Sat Nam Rasayan to test for Level I certification. Note: retreats count as 2 days.
To qualify for Level II testing, you must attend a minimum of 24 training days over at least 24 months after Level I certification is complete. Retreats count as 4 days maximum. And you must submit a written report documenting a case study of one patient over 3 months, at least 6 sessions.
About Jiwan Mukta Singh
Jiwan Mukta Singh became a student in his first meeting with Guru Dev Singh in 1992, traveling then with him to many countries, learning Sat Nam Rasayan, healing people, and then learning to teach. Jiwan Mukta Singh has taught extensively throughout the world, including classes in India in Yogi Bhajan's house, Europe, Asia, Canada, Baltics, Scandanavia, Russia, Australia and more.
Private Healing Treatments
If you would like a healing treatment session with Jiwan Mukta Singh, appointments are available on Monday's after training weekends in Gospel Oak NW5. Appointments cost £90 for 30 minutes. If you are interested in an appointment with Jiwan Mukta, please email
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