Turban Tying

Workshop with Sat Shakti Kaur and Siri Karta Kaur

13 January 2019

Turban Tying Workshop

Sunday 13 January 2019


JOY Yoga Dalston

Learn how to wrap your head, Kundalini-style! It’s not a requirement to cover your head for Kundalini class but there are benefits. Covering the crown of the head helps to contain the energy generated during Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. When you tie your head in a turban, you can not only contain the energy but also give yourself a cranial adjustment. This can help increase the flow of circulation to the brain. Many people find that when their head is tied in a turban they can focus better which can enable deeper meditation.

Join us to learn how to tie your own turban. There are different styles and techniques. You can have a go at what feels right for you. We’ll have fabric you can use during the class and some that you can buy to take home.

JOY Yoga Dalston • 27D Dalston Lane • London E8 3DF

Investment: £15