
empowered self

kundalini to strengthen body, mind, and spirit

special offer for new students: £35 for 30 days

Online Intro Offer: £35 for 30 days

Start your journey to self-empowerment with unlimited kundalini yoga and meditation classes. Explore the many facets of kundalini yoga and meditation. Meet our expert teachers. Get in the moment, real time guidance. Take as many live online classes as you like over 30 consecutive days for just £35 with our online intro offer.

Students of all ages and experience are welcome.

This offer is for students new to JOY only. There’s a one-off payment of £35. You’ll have unlimited access to all of our regular online classes for the 30-day period. No further commitment required.

Journey to self-empowerment

Kundalini is a holistic practice that strengthens body, mind, and spirit. It can support all aspects and stages of life. As you develop your yoga practice, you start to reconnect with your inner strength. You build resilience and vitality. You may find you experience more ease in your life, feel more comfortable with uncertainty, and be more JOYful. You start to experience your empowered self.

Even a gentle practice of Kundalini Yoga can be powerful and transformative. Some of the healing attributes documented by neuroscientists in recent years include:

  • Build your strength and flexibility

  • Strengthen your immune system

  • Alleviate stress

  • Increase vitality

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Increase concentration

  • Boost creativity

  • Ease depression

  • Enhance cognition


 Hear from JOY’s students…


New to Kundalini?

There are no levels to Kundalini. You start where you are. Do what you can. Honor your limitations.

For the uninitiated, some of the practices in a Kundalini class can seem a bit strange. We encourage you to just go with it. Have an experience and see where it takes you.

You don’t need to do anything to prepare for your first class. You can jump right in. But if you’d like a head start, we have some tips especially for beginners.

Start your journey to self-empowerment

Online intro offer £35 for 30 days