Prosperity is Yours

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Make no excuses for your desire to be prosperous; it is a divine desire that should be given divine expression.
— Yogi Bhajan

Serve your soul and prosperity will flow. Opportunities are everywhere. There is infinite creativity and tremendous potential to excel in each of us. Following a yogic lifestyle doesn't demand austerity. To the contrary, we can embrace prosperity consciousness and live regally.

Kundalini Yoga offers many tools that can help us connect with our spirit and serve our soul. Through the practice of yoga and meditation, we can clear the subconscious blocks that keep us from accessing prosperity. We can start to see the wealth of opportunities that surround us. We can open our hearts to our own worthiness of an affluent life. We can relax into a divine flow and create a radiant magnetism that will attract abundance.

JOY is hosting monthly workshops to explore Yogi Bhajan’s teachings on prosperity and to use the powerful tools of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to cultivate prosperity consciousness. 

Suggested donation:  £22 payable online or in cash on the day. Your offline donation is anonymous and there is no minimum, just contribute something. With or without payment, please register. 




Monthly prosperity workshops will resume at JOY's new home opening in Dalston in April 2018. Stay tuned for schedules and more!