2021 Numerology Report by Angad Kaur
Reflections on the numerology of 2021: how the numbers may guide us
by Angad Kaur, Kundalini yoga teacher at JOY and consultant in Karam Kriya Spiritual Numerology and Kundalini Therapy
What’s in a year? The numbers themselves can reveal a lot. In the same way of exploring our date of birth, we can also call on the primary intelligence of numbers to deliver insights and reflections on the qualities that may influence any particular year. Below is my contribution informed by the teachings of Karam Kriya and Kundalini Yoga, which doesn’t make me an authority, but something in the material shared may be of relevance or interest to consider.
2020: a year of polarisation
2020, with its double 2, double zero and overarching 4, was experienced by many through polarisation, duality, splits, tension, stress, longing, feeling the gap more intensely through separation. Plus uncertainty, unknowns, doubt, anxiety and mistrust.
For some, the virtues of the numbers were found, including the longing that takes us into community, diving more deeply into the heart and into the unknown to find new opportunities. A year that called us inwards, providing time for self reflection and an invitation for re-prioritising within one’s self.
2021: a year of change
21, as the year, is positioned in relation to the gift. And the 1 in 21 is like the gift within the gift, a hidden treasure, but can be a significant influence. So we have 3 (2+1) as the gift and 1 as a treasure that may initiate a significant shift or movement from the previous year.
The overarching number of this year is 5 (2+0+2+1), which is positioned in relation to destiny.
2+0+2+1= the number 5
5 is the student, application of the teachings and what we are learning through our living experience. The 5th Spiritual Body is the Physical Body, which is the centre of our experience through the 5 elements, the associated 5 senses and the 5 pairs of organs.
5 is harmony and balance. This year is an invitation to find balance in all aspects of our life. Physically we are organic and always in the process of change. What self-educating feedback loop is in place so we can assess balance and imbalance, and then make the right changes to come back to homeostasis?
5 relates to the liver. Exercise and creativity make for a happy liver. It has the role of organiser and is responsible for movement and the smooth flow of blood, energy and emotions. It is greatly affected by stress and emotions, especially anger. Associated with liver imbalance is when we have trouble letting things go. But when we let things go, this can support embracing the virtue of number 5, which is sacrifice.
5 is the fruit of the plant, and it’s what comes to fruition within our self and life. The fruit is harvested out of the initial seed, its potential, essence (1). There is the saying “you reap what you sow”. What seeds do you want to plant, nourish and harvest in 2021 that contain the essence of your individual gifts and talents?
1 is the soul. The 1 in 21 calls on its impulse into action and manifestation to give expression in the world through the dynamic vehicle of the 3, which brings fruition and potential fulfilment of the soul through the 5.
3, as the element of fire and sense of sight, is the number of seeing and of action; of putting yourself in the picture. It is both the universal principle and the human virtue of equality.
Guru Amar Das, the 3rd Sikh Guru, asks in Anand Sahib: “O my body, why have you come into this world? What deeds have you done?” The Guru put the teachings into action, feeding, bathing, clothing and showing care to those in most need, who weren’t visible or of any concern to society. He demonstrated that spirituality isn't a distant lofty realm. He acted in accordance with his own soul. It wasn’t to look good, to please others or public opinion, but in recognition of God being in the Creation.
5 is the number of change.
What change would you like in your self, your life and to see in the world this year? What action will you take to contribute to this change that also puts your self in the picture, equally - not better than or less than anyone else - and aligned with the integrity of your own soul?
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
Action counts. Yet knowing when to act and when to let someone else step forward, is also a valuable self-education and participation. We are all part of the play and we all have our equal part to play.
The 5th chakra
The 5th chakra is located at the throat. The movement of kundalini energy through the chakras has been illustrated with a double loop at the throat centre, which may indicate the significance of the Word, the value of our communication, to double check it or enrich it with the voice of the soul in the way that we have two levels of the breath - the breath that is automatic in relation to our physical respiratory system and the second, richer level of the breath that connects us to the Divine breath that is breathing us.
The 5th chakra is the realm of transformation, transcendence, change through exchange. It is a bridge between the inner and outer world. How do we speak to ourselves; what is our inner dialogue? What do we communicate to the world? Is this communication in harmony with the changes we want to see and experience this year?
Guru Amar Das describes how the Creator blew the soul into the physical body which is a musical instrument. We were created out of the Word, we have the ability to generate sound and we are receptive to vibrational frequencies. It is said that “words make worlds”.
In 2020, there was a barage of toxic or reactive communication. Which also created a fear of speaking. In 2021, we have the opportunity to create a meeting and exchange through communicating consciously.
“Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos shall clear the path”
Words we may have spoken that were later regretted and words we wish we’d spoken but didn’t have the courage, energetically block or restrict our communication centre.
Mantra has the power to clear and transform. Chanting impacts on our inner and outer vibration, which impacts on our physical health, psyche, and our contribution to the vibrational frequency of this year.
“We become what we vibrate.” The Guru says to chant the Naam. Naam is Identity.
The 3rd Spiritual Body is the Positive Mind. It says yes. And it is the affirming aspect of the mind.
In relation to the 1 in 21, is your Positive Mind affirming your identity of spirit? Or is it affirming your sense of identity through attachment to old stories, opinions, projections from others, social media?
The element of fire can destructively burn anything in its path but like each of the elements, it can be a teacher, and it can transform. Fire is a light and it can ignite the spark of spirit.
Paradox of 5
Another Sutra of the Aquarian Age is: “Recognise that the other person is you.”
But there is the paradox of 5. We are each an individual soul, that is unique and calls for its own expression. It doesn’t work to try and be somebody else. Yet the essence of what we are is the same source.
And although spirit has an essence, a substance, which is an eternal quality, it can be dispersed. We need the focus of 1 to bring the essence to a point that crystallises you being you, me being me. If you come to truly know your own essence, then you know the essence in the other person. And in this way, calling on the treasure of 1, we move from the polarisation of 2020, we heal the separation and bridge the gap.
Rather than feeling isolated, if we instead touch the deep solitude nature of the soul, which connects us to the One in ourself and everyone, we find the solidarity with all other souls and we no longer feel lonely. This is Oneness, Unity and knowing the God in all.
“Get to the deep inner edge of your being to arrive at your seat at the table. Arrive as a pearl on the necklace of God”
2020 gave the experience of distance and differences between each other.
2021 calls us to make bridges. We can do this through retrieving the treasure of the 1 and putting it into our words and our actions.
With love & many blessings,
About Angad Kaur
Angad Kaur is a KRI certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, teacher trainer and has been running Level 1 Aquarian Teacher courses in the UK since 2009.
She is a consultant in Karam Kriya Spiritual Numerology and Kundalini Therapy, which integrates Kundalini Yoga with proven systems of holistic medicine.
Angad teaches in outreach environments, facilitating and contributing to projects in mental health, prisons, hospitals, is a Sikh Chaplain, a passionate student of Gurbani and enjoys the mystical God in everyday life.
She worked in the art world for 20 years and continues mentoring artists.
For private numerology consultations and more, contact Angad Kaur directly at angadkaur@karamkriya.com