Numerology Reflections on 2022 BY Angad Kaur

Reflections of 2022: Clarity not duality, tune in to the heart, faith conquers fear

by Angad Kaur, Kundalini yoga teacher at JOY and consultant in Karam Kriya Spiritual Numerology and Kundalini Therapy

 Numbers are a primary intelligence that exist in creation and can offer reflections on the qualities and themes associated to the numbers of the year, personally and collectively. Below is my

contribution informed by the teachings of Karam Kriya and Kundalini Yoga if you find it relevant.


2022 is striking for the multiple presence of 2 (3 x 2) which may amplify qualities of the 2.

But also, for the numbers 2, 4 and 6, in different positions, all being feminine numbers.

So, it’s a year to consider the influence of the feminine.

The overarching number of the year, bringing possibilities and opportunities, is 6 (2+0+2+2),

positioned in relation to DESTINY.

The focus or spirit of the year is 4 (2+2) and positioned in relation to the GIFT.

The last digit of the year, 2, is the gift within the gift, a hidden treasure, yet a significant influence.

Each number can be related to on the Karmic or Dharmic plane.

 2 is connection or separation. The roots extend from the seed and source, so we may feel the gap and distance intensely, taking us deeper into splits and differences. Yet the longing we feel through the 2, instead of taking us into emptiness, sorrow and depression, can be a longing to

belong that brings us to the 4, into community, connection through the humanness of the heart.

 The 2nd element is water.

There is a much-quoted saying: “Only dead fish go with the flow.”

Rather than get carried along with the flow of others and the environments, can we stay connected to our own inner flow?

2 is passion, which can be an energy or force that propels us into actively participating in all

aspects of life and supports our impact and presence (6) in the world.

 E-motion is energy-in-motion and like water can be stirred and move in many ways. Instead of emotion becoming commotion, the practice of Kundalini Yoga is to transform emotion to devotion (2 -> 4). Bring it up to the heart (4). Use the power of emotion to give power to prayer (4).

 2 is polarity or duality.

Definition of a Yogi is one who acknowledges the polarities in creation and within our inner nature (yin & yang, left & right hemispheres of the brain), yet a Yogi “is not affected by the opposite polarities of life … When Kundalini, the primal force of the Prana, penetrates and prevails throughout the chakras, the Yogi remains stable to the odds of Karma and walks the even path of Dharma.” (YB)


In 2022, there could be an increase in the polarisation we’ve encountered globally and collectively since 2020. Can we recognise the play of the polarities, the dance between them, like Shiva and Shakti, yet not invest our life force in the polarisation and instead move into the gift of the 4, the cup of the heart, an openness, the Neutral Mind, prayerfulness, a state of trust.

 Karma of 4: Doubt, confusion, mistrust, a closed heart, setting up a shallow breathing pattern,

putting us into crisis management or becoming passive in making choices.

 We may say: “I don’t know what to do” when in fact we know there is only one choice to be made. Or we may avoid building a relationship to the unknown and strive to know the truth - but look for

it outside of ourselves.

 Dharma of 4: Tuning in and listening to the heart, consciously breathing => then we know and can trust what is true for us in the moment; our choices carry commitment of the heart without being poisoned by doubts.

 4 is consciousness and the moment. Consciousness operates in immediacy.

6 is faith, fear and the future. Fear creates a delay in responsiveness.

2 is the Negative Mind. It can either empower or disempower through the “no”. It can be critically discerning or it can keep setting off the alarm with an imbalanced sense of danger and threat.

 2+2+2 = 6

Karma of 6 is taking in the fears around us, especially if the arcline is weak. But “fear can also be viewed as an absence of faith.” (SCS)

 When in fear of what may be, of the unknown, the fear paralyses or takes us back into the past, to old habits, what is familiar, what the mind knows, as a means to be in control.

Whereas faith builds stabilisation of the Self and trust that we can meet all that will come.


Dharma of 6 is represented in the spiritual warrior - transforming the energy of fear to meet the

moment with sharp awareness and clarity. The saying goes: “Choose your battles wisely.


Some points about being a spiritual warrior:

•       Doesn’t fight against but chooses to fight for something, a true cause, intuitively knowing the moment to step into the battle.

•       Has no inner conflicts when entering the battle field; the sword is sharp but the cut is clean.

•       Responsive - not reactive.

•       When confronted with what we stand for, we welcome the invitation for clarity.

•       The sensitivity of the arcline let’s us know when destiny calls us to act.


“Fear of God” is the fuel to transform all other imagined fears. It keeps us alert and in remembrance of the Divine Will in all things. When we are in this remembrance, God is in our presence.


The battle cry given by the great Spiritual Warrior Guru Gobind Singh is in 2 parts:

“Bole So Nihal” meaning “whoever utters (the following phrase) shall be happy and fulfilled”.

Followed by: “Sat Sri Akaal”, acknowledging the True, Great, Timeless God.

It can be a call to action, an invocation for Divine aid, an expression of ecstatic joy, a shout of

victory and the remembrance of the God in all things (including within us).


6 = Faith. It is not a religion or belief system. Faith is faith in something that opens up a relationship to the unknown. Faith in Dharma - the path of spirit, universal principles, a guiding line, the light of the soul, the existence of a natural justice (just is) and true reality (Sat Naam).


If a crisis comes this year, breathe faith, remember you are a person of faith - and let the sword of faith cut through.


            The faithful have intuitive awareness and intelligence.

            The faithful know about all worlds and realms.

            The faithful shall never be struck across the face.

            The faithful do not have to go with the Messenger of Death.

            Such is the Name of the Immaculate God.

            Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind.

                       Guru Nanak, Pauree 13, Japji Sahib

 4 is the breath. Breathe the breath of who you truly are.

4 is Guru Ram Das. Connect to Him by chanting “Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru”.

4 is the attitude of gratitude.

4 is pray, don’t panic.


            Don’t worry - let the creator take care of it.

            God gives to all creatures in the water and on the land.

            God bestows blessings without being asked, even to worms in soil and stones.

                                      Guru Ram Das (Ang 1070)


4 is the Possible Human - let your humanness reach out, touch and elevate others.

4 is Sat Naam - drop doubts and instead trust in the reality of the knower of all hearts.

4 is Community. 22 is a year to be present in community. Choose the company you keep.

6 is beauty, seeing and appreciating the art of the Creator’s work in all of creation.

6 is grace, and the presence to receive grace in any moment.

6 is intuition and the clarity to make the right choices.

6 is taking responsibility for your choices and readiness to meet the consequences.

6 is freedom and liberation. Release the attachments and fears that don’t serve your destiny while

remembering 6 connects to the collective - a just cause is also for others, not just yourself.

6 is the immune system.

Fear, anxiety, excessive worry can weaken the immune system.

Practice Kriyas and meditations to transform fear, strengthen the arcline, develop status and statement, calibre and intuition to know your reach.


4 & 6 are connected to the air element. Take a deep breath and feel the wind at your back.


Kundalini Yoga is the balance of the saint (4) and the warrior (6). It cultivates both a big heart

and a strong heart to meet the confrontations in life but also keep the vessel of the heart open for

compassion to flow through and extend to all.


Those Gurmukhs who are pure of heart - their service is accepted.

Guru Amar Das (Ang 30)


            They obtain peace in this world and the next,

            chanting and meditating within their hearts on the Divine.

             Guru Amar Das (Ang 30)

         In the Fear of God, the warriors and the most powerful heroes exist.

             Guru Nanak (Ang 464)

    She alone is called a warrior, who is attached to God’s Love in this age.

            Through the perfect True Guru, she conquers her own soul,

            and then everything comes under her control.

            Sing the Praises of God with the love of your soul.
            Those who seek God’s sanctuary and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Divine, 

            are blended with God in celestial peace.

            The feet of God’s humble servants abide in my heart; with them, my body is made pure.

            O treasure of mercy, please bless Nanak with the dust of the feet of your servants;

            this alone brings peace.

   Guru Arjun Dev (Ang 679)

O Siblings of Destiny, peace is found in the Saadh Sangat, the company of the Holy.

Guru Arjun Dev (Ang 42)

 With eternal gratitude to the Shabd Guru, the embodiment of the True Reality and Light of

Infinite Wisdom contained in the Word. And to my teacher Shiv Charan Singh, to his commitment of

supporting the destiny of the souls who cross his path and for the teachings he generously shares.


Angad Kaur, January 2022

Explore and reflect on the influence of the numbers with Angad in her online workshop on January 30th 2022, for more information click here.